A Day at The Markets + Support for Youth Off The Streets

From June 1st 2023 we started supporting Youth Off The Streets through sales. Have a read of our earlier facebook post "A Day At The Markets" for our inspiration :)

“As I packed up after a long and wet market last month, I started to question what on earth I was doing. A typical market day for us involves a lot of folding and prep, early start, laborious set-up, long and often slow hours, a tedious pack up (ensuring stock is kept dry, clean and creases minimised), tiring travel followed by unloading to pack away stock. Yet I (almost) always leave on a high feeling, inspired and elevated by the people and atmosphere of these events. The hard work of stallholders carrying out their passion, craft and livelihood with discipline and heart. The ease, happiness and friendliness of customers wandering through stalls after a busy week of work. The generosity of volunteers supporting charity and community fundraising. The creativity, logistics and long hours of event managers. The BBQ brekkies, coffee, gozleme and other tasty treats. The stunning coastal settings and beautiful towns we are privileged to visit. And the warmth, encouragement and community created from the combination of all these elements.  

I have genuinely been blown away by the generous support of family and the many ways they contribute their time and gifts – including business advice, babysitting my 4-and 6-year-old, design selection, photography, modelling, accommodation, storing and transporting stock, marketing, socials, for getting me to markets, hanging out with me at markets and helping with early set up, sales and pack down.

And therefore, on reflection after a long, wet and tiring market I was actually left feeling truly blessed. Family was the inspiration for Sandy Digs and continues to provide the inspiration to keep going. It seems only fitting therefore to give back to our wider community. So, from June 2023 we’ll donate $1 from every item sold to Youth Off The Streets: a not-for-profit youth organisation whose services and programs provide young people with safety, support and opportunities to build a positive future.

Thank you for your support of our small business and this great organisation.”